About Me

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I'm 32 years old, living in Pennsylvania with my amazing husband and 2 crazy cats, and I'm on a mission to get healthy. I don't want to be a supermodel, or some crazy female bodybuilder, I just want to be me. But healthier.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 25 - Breakthrough

It happened today. For the first time since taking spin - actually the first time since I started working out almost a month ago - I felt really great during and after a workout. Normally I go in and after 10-15 minutes I'm beat and feel exhausted for the rest of the night. And that happens regardless of workout. But today I was pedaling along, keeping up with everything the instructor was telling us to do, and really felt great! Sure I was breathing hard and sweating, but it was a good feeling. Like I was really making my body stronger as opposed to just wearing it out.

I'm not sure if this is makes sense - it's a feeling that's hard to describe. It's kind of like taking a language in school. It was frustrating and hard to do at first, but all of sudden you realize that not only are you speaking it fairly well, you are starting to think in that language too. It's still challenging because you're always learning new words and phrases, but it went from being frustrating to rewarding, and kind of fun.

That's what today's spinning class was like. Instead of leaving there feeling like I just wanted to pass out in bed, I actually felt like I could have done something else! And after I got out of the shower, instead of dreading having to make dinner because I was tired, I actually had the energy to do it. This may sound like a small thing to get excited about, but believe me - it's not. Similar to the breakthrough I had on Day 3 when I was able to push through the bad thoughts and finish the workout, this is the first time I can officially say that while the workout was difficult, it didn't own me. I'm not quite sure I'm at a place where I can say that I owned it, but at least I'm on the path where I can see that happening someday. And to me, I'll take that accomplishment over losing a few pounds any day. Til tomorrow.


Minutes spent working out this week: 150

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