About Me

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I'm 32 years old, living in Pennsylvania with my amazing husband and 2 crazy cats, and I'm on a mission to get healthy. I don't want to be a supermodel, or some crazy female bodybuilder, I just want to be me. But healthier.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 10 - You Get Out What You Put In

Yesterday was my second experience with 30/60/90, and it was - once again - extremely tough. I really thought I was doing well until we got to the first cardio interval that consisted of jumping in the air and spinning 180 degrees, and then jumping back. I really think I misjudged my physical abilities because once we had to start the next group of moves, I thought I was going to pass out. No seriously. Small black dots in my vision and muffled sounds. Not good.

So I proceeded to march in place and try to get my heart rate down, because I learned from last week that stopping dead after having my heart rate up that high is not a good idea - it actually made me feel worse to stop moving. So I'm marching along while everyone else is lunging and squatting, and I'm starting to get frustrated because my heart rate just won't go down. It's not that my legs couldn't handle the squats, but every time I tried to start I felt light headed again. And that's when the instructor said something so simple, yet was exactly what I needed to hear - "You get out what you put in".

You might be thinking that I would get even more frustrated hearing that because I wasn't "putting in much" at the time since I was just marching. And normally you'd be right. But much to my surprise it didn't this time, it just really got me thinking. How many times in the past have I gone to the gym and convinced myself that just doing something there was okay, even if it didn't really get my heart rate up. But the fact that I was trying counted. And don't get me wrong - you have to start somewhere. And in the beginning getting there and just doing something is the best thing you can do. But if I really want to see results and really want to change my lifestyle to get healthy, then I have to put in the effort. I'll get out what I put in.

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I try to live my life like that in other areas already. I treat others the way I would want to be treated, so (hopefully) they'll treat me the same way. I work hard at my job so that I can be proud of what I've done at the end of the day. And even though I was only marching for a time in 30/60/90, I was putting in all the effort I could muster up. And hopefully in the not too distant future, I will see the results of that hard work. Til tomorrow! (Well, actually later today since I'm posting this on Thursday morning!)


Number of minutes spent working out this week: 135

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