About Me

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I'm 32 years old, living in Pennsylvania with my amazing husband and 2 crazy cats, and I'm on a mission to get healthy. I don't want to be a supermodel, or some crazy female bodybuilder, I just want to be me. But healthier.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 36 - Getting Back on the Wagon HURTS!

Somebody PLEASE remind me of how tired and sore I am the next time I even consider taking 4 days off from working out. I mean seriously! I've been working out for over a month now, and I feel like I'm just starting out. Luckily just laying on the couch watching TV doesn't require too much effort because I don't have a whole lot to spare. Even an extra long hot shower didn't help. There's only one thing that can help now - a tasty Weight Watchers Ice Cream Candy Bar!

It's been a while since I had any tasty low-calorie foods to share, but I found a new one when I went to Wegmans yesterday. They're called Bagel Thins and they're made by Thomas', and the best part? They're only 110 calories!! Plus they come in whole wheat! I love bagels - probably more than I should since they are pretty bad for you. And now not only can I have a bagel with light cream cheese in the morning if I want, I can make a tasty egg white and cheese sandwich on one! I know I sound really excited about these, but I love carbs. I really do. Pasta, bread, baked goods, bagels - all of it. I don't discriminate, and I really should because not all carbs are created equal. But now I can eat a bagel and not feel guilty!

Sometimes it's the small things in life that get you excited and feeling good. And seeing as how I could barely make it over to my bag to get my computer power cord, I'll take what I can get. Til tomorrow!


Minutes spent working out this week: 60

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