About Me

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I'm 32 years old, living in Pennsylvania with my amazing husband and 2 crazy cats, and I'm on a mission to get healthy. I don't want to be a supermodel, or some crazy female bodybuilder, I just want to be me. But healthier.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 22 - Back on the Wagon & "Goal Pants"

It's been a few days since I blogged, and therefore a few days since I worked out. It's funny that the week I was determined to work out five days I only worked out 3. Snowpacolypse had a role to play in that, but really it was my laziness - let's be honest. I went out Friday night after dinner with Andy and had a great time, then met up with my friends Annie and Whitney for lunch on Saturday, played some poker on Saturday night, and relaxed on Sunday for V-day. Could I have worked out during that time? Sure. But I didn't. And that's okay. It's a new week - the start of week 4 I might add! - and I'm looking forward to it. And what better way to start off the week than with some yoga.

Or so I thought anyway. It started snowing here around 2pm and the roads got pretty bad. Plus my car is straight up terrible in the snow, so I decided to come home and do my Rodney Yee Power Yoga DVD. Only problem was I couldn't find it! All I had was Bryan Kests' Power Yoga which is really cheesy and bad. I tried for about 10 minutes and couldn't take the jean shorts, white spandex, and bad direction anymore. So I decided to go for a 50 minute walk/jog on the treadmill which was actually more difficult than last week since I decided to up the speed (go figure!). I wish I had been able to go to yoga, or had my better yoga DVD, but it was not meant to be. I really can't wait for spring when I won't have to change my workout plans because of the snow.

So I've added a new goal to my get healthy plan - a more tangible goal. While out with Annie and Whitney on Saturday we made a stop by Ann Taylor Loft, and as I was perusing the sale rack I came across a pair of really cute gray skinny jeans for $4.98. That's not a typo, seriously they were $5. Now, in my current state of shapeness (that's a word, right?) I am in no place to wear skinny jeans. In fact if I saw myself wearing skinny jeans out and about, I would probably be thinking that girl should not be wearing those! Snarky and bitchy, yes, but true nonetheless. Add on that they were a size too small, and I was in trouble.

But I thought to myself I've been working out, maybe they'll look great on me! So I tried them on and they most definitely didn't fit. I looked like one of those moms trying to dress young on What Not to Wear - not good and not pretty. I was about to get discouraged when I realized something - they are only $5. Why not buy them and make them my "goal pants"? Something that I will strive to fit into comfortably eventually. And if I can fit in them and still don't like them, then oh well. But at least I'll have something tangible that shows the progress I've made.

So that's what I did. And I now have "goal pants". What's my goal for said pants? Well, I want to be able to wear them by June. Maybe pair them with some cute flats? And if I'm feel really adventurous maybe even a sleeves shirt or halter top to show off the kick ass arms and back I'm going to have by then! I'm picturing it already, and I'm psyched! Now all I have to do is work toward getting into them. Til tomorrow!


Minutes spent working out this week: 50 minutes

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